- Region
- Cities & towns
- Sights
Distance (km): 46.00
Distance (minutes driving): 54
For centuries, the city of Vila Viçosa was home to one of the most important noble house of Portugal, the House of Braganza, who lived in the Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa (Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa) in front of which stands a grand statue of James, the 4th duke of Braganza. Other interesting sights are the Sanctuary of our lady of Lapa and the Cross of Vila Viçosa on which, uniquely, Jesus is represented as a serpent. The mother church, the Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila Viçosa, is historically one of the most important churches in Portugal as in 1646, Dom João IV dedicated the kingdom of Portugal to our lady of conception by crowning her as the patron saint of the Nation.